One of the main trick of this char is, high movement speed. 112 light RR, -100 cold RR offers smooth boss deletion. on top of that, you have wayward soul proc pseudo heal kinda perma up with 2.7 sec recharge + sealed feat pseudo heal perma up…īuild also have amazing CC resist which lets you skip ulo whenever you want for crucible…ġ940 armor with %98 absorb + %20 phys res makes you tankier than most casters aswell.ģ270 OA + 72 crit dmg + 230DA shred lets you delete crucible fairly well, 3084 DA with perma procs +260 OA shred lets you tank most stuff with ease. i have 376 hp regen in town, 1028 hp regen with GIANTS BLOOD pseudo heal up for 10 sec with 16.7 sec skill recharge, which means you have 6.7 secs without 1k hp regen and you can easily cover 3 secs with mirror. this means you dont give a fuck about high cold OR high light res enemies at all.Īlso build using forgotten sustain to tackle crucible, HP REGEN ez pz.

Main idea of the build is utilizing cold&light dmg together and getting close RR for both dmg types. Main campaign is whatever to me, i guess my campaign version i use this build has 3600 oa 90 crit or something. This is my 2nd char since i started GD and still top 1 on my crucible chart, considering absurdly strong builds i have, this probably gives you an idea how ‘reliable’ and ‘consistent’ her success in crucible. esp after i see some spellbreaker TSS meta going on Like i said many times, i have many good/bad builds i dont bother to post but its time to show ‘some’ power of TSS DROOOOD imo.